Yesterday we had our first quarterly meeting of 2018. Thank you Colleen and Sebastian PD for hosting! Our guest speaker was Wayne Walker from the Indian River Crime Lab, and he did a wonderful presentation about CODIS and eligibility for entry. Please see attached for a synopsis of his presentation. His contact information is included in that document as well.
As for PEAF business:
Please be sure to log on to your MemberPlanet profile, and confirm that your contact information is correct.
For those who passed their certification test at the 2017 conference, and have not received your pin, those should be sent out//arriving shortly.
- Keep your eye out for the 2018 first quarter Newsletter
- The 2018 conference will be held August 27th to 29th, at the Wyndham resort, same location as the previous years. The certification test will be held on the 30th, and the test will be held on the 31st. For more information, please see
• Please let us know if you have any requests for guest speakers, and if you’d like to host at your agency.
• PEAF is looking for items to be raffled off! If you have any items from your department that you’d like to donate, please let Colleen know.
• Don’t forget that in order to maintain your status in PEAF, you must attend at least onemeeting per year, and one conference per three years. You may attend meetings of other Chapters, if that is easier for you due to location and time.