PEAF Chapter 9 Minutes of 25 March 2021
Tracy Schlager Escambia County Sheriff’s Office
Shirley Padget Escambia County Sheriff’s Office
Patricia Ballard Escambia County Sheriff’s Office
David Faunce Escambia County Sheriff’s Office
Rebecca Outland Escambia County Sheriff’s Office
Jessica Majesky Escambia County Sheriff’s Office
Katelyn Clairain Escambia County Sheriff’s Office
Diana Carroll Escambia County Sheriff’s Office
Rebecca Cox Escambia County Sheriff’s Office
Sanna Peacock Escambia County Clerk of the Court Office
Sheila Mercer Fort Walton Beach Police Department
Rebecca Mayhew Chapter 9
Elizabeth Lancaster Chapter 4
Scott Feldman Broward County Sheriff’s Office, Chapter 4
Lourdes DeLaRosa Chapter 4
Susan Pratt University of Florida, Chapter 6
Dana Neitz Boca Raton Police Department, Chapter 4
Cari Daugherty Boca Raton Police Department, Chapter 4
Jackie Moore Indian River Crime Lab, Chapter 1
Amanda Wright Titusville Police Department, Chapter 1
Deana Graves Volusia County Clerk of the Court, Chapter 2
Patti Blocker Chapter 2
Kaley Tilney Pinnellas County Sheriff’s Office, Chapter 3
Mark Smeester Naval Criminal Investigations Service
The meeting was called to order by President, Tracy Schlager at 10:07 hrs.
o President:
I was very honored when I was approached to be the President of Chapter 9. I am open to suggestions, if anyone has them, or information or input. I want to feel able to reach out to everybody. I want us to represent Escambia County and the PEAF association to the best of our ability. In saying that I really want to strive to get good speakers to come. When Mark Smeester’s name came up, everyone came out of the woodwork saying you have to have this guy. He’s a wealth of knowledge and experience. I called him blindly, he did not even know me, I didn’t even meet him until this morning. Thank you very much, Mark, for being here this morning. Everyone, Mark Smeester.
Thank you very much, Mark for coming and joining us. I ‘m sure sometime next year we’ll get you on the calendar again.
Obviously, this is my first meeting and my first attempt at all of this. There are going to be bumps in the road and a giant learning curve. For those who are not here, I put together folders for those that are here. I’ve put a flyer in the folder for our August meeting, when we will have our Computer Crimes unit here and again that meeting will be held here in the Training room. LT Haines will be discussing the new procedures and how to handle electronics while they are in our possession. This will be August 26th at 10am Central Time. On November 4th at 10am Central Time we will have Inv. James Lee of the Missing Person/Cold Case Unit.
I have only ever attended 1 PEAF meeting. I find it very important to kind of personalize things, if we can. If we can involve everyone, it will be more interesting and fun. A meeting is a meeting, but if we can do something to put a twist on it.
If you have suggestions or something in Forensic Science that you just need to know. Please let me know, and I can look into putting that in the next meeting or bring in that special guest speaking or whatever we need. I don’t want these meetings to feel that they’re just about me, no they are about all of us.
T-shirt swap.
o Secretary
I am a member of the Conference Planning Committee and I have to step down due to also being a member of the Executive Board. Anyone interested in becoming a member of the Conference Planning Committee, please contact me. We would like to have a member of each chapter on the Planning Committee so that it is well rounded and addresses all areas of the state. Thank you.
o President
We will be working toward getting our Crime Scene Unit and Evidence Unit fully certified.
We do still have our Facebook page for Chapter 9.
Tracy Schlager moved to adjourn, Trish Ballard seconded it. It was passed. Meeting was adjourned at 1040.