Property and Evidence Association of Florida
Chapter # 7 Meeting Minutes- (Zoom Meeting)
February 17, 2021
1) Meeting called to order by Chapter President Beth Fleet at 11:02 am
2) Attendance (See attached)
3) Approval of the Minutes (12/9/2020) Jim Choate made the motion to approve. Vicki Schmeckle seconded the motion. All present voted in the affirmative. Minutes were approved.
4) Fleet made an appeal for nominations for the office of secretary. None were entertained. (Note: Following the meeting, a Chapter 7 member volunteered via email.)
Old Business
5) Award nomination forms due to Fleet by 2/22/21
Scholarships (open to both members and non-members!)
Slogan contest
Chapter 7 member of Year
Evidence Specialist of the Year
6) Membership Certificates-were emailed
Came from PEAF
7) Re-Certification, New requirements: Certified members will be responsible for maintaining:
a) Membership paid receipts and/or certificates
b) Conference attendance certificate(s) (Attend one conference over the 3 year period).
c) Chapter Meeting attendance lists (One meeting per year required)
8) Spring Conference Update – Registration open until 3/12/21. Late Registration ($50 add’l) 3/13/-4/16.
Close to reaching 150 maximum
Seeking Silent Auction Items
10) New Business
12) Round Robin: 1 challenge/1 good thing since we last met. Several meeting attendees shared experiences that occurred in their agencies since last December.
13) Meeting adjourned at 11:40 am.
Respectfully submitted by Beth Fleet, Chapter President