Property and Evidence Association of Florida
Chapter #1
Minutes of Meeting
Via Zoom
Colleen Coppola Neal LeFrock Janet Dominicis
Jessica Wasilewski Haline Wright-Francis Shannon Fisette
Erin Matthews Greg Parkinson Shantel Davis
Mary Anna Joswick Stephanie McGowan Katie Moran
Caitlyn Moore Amanda Wright Julian Brotherton
Jackie Moore Jason Kaufman Robyn Brant
Dawn Radke Safraaz Mohamed Debbie Hernandez
Lori Fletcher Jeissy Martin Ashmeed Hosein
Lavonia Williams Scott Bridges Gerilynn Barton
Gladys Peña Tom Ammirato Bridget Eakins
Renee Pieniazek Amanda Rodriguez
The meeting was called to order at 1106 hrs.
Old Business:
Nothing of note.
New Business:
The yearly Conference is approaching; things are coming along smoothly, please reach out if you have any questions, comments or concerns.
- The Speaker, Ofc. Jason Gillette, held a presentation on all things Firearms.
- Be aware of your target + beyond
- Always treat a firearm like its loaded
- Never point at anything you wouldn’t want to destroy
- Keep your finger off the trigger
- How to unload and make safe
- Find a gun nut!! J
- How to identify make and model
- Receiver & Barrels
- NFA Weapons
- What is it and why it’s important
- ATF – Search NFA
- ID of Firearms
- Disposal of Firearms
- 60 days considered abandoned, but some agencies will send a letter. Within the letter, it gives them 30 days from receipt to pick it up or they will be destroyed. A certified letter proves an attempt to return; agencies worry about the reciprocity.
- com will sell the firearms.
- 105 f.s is the reference.
- What is it and why it’s important
After a few technical difficulties, the meeting stopped at 1140hrs.