AUGUST 14, 2018
HOSTED BY: Fort Myers Police Department
3903 Martin Luther King Blvd (Enterprise Complex)
Meeting called to order at 10 A.M. by Beverly Hunt
Thanks to Fort Myers Police Department for providing the venue and hosting.
Attendees (26) introduced themselves to the group.
Secretary Tonya gave a brief rundown of the previous meeting.
Treasurer Rob Aponte gave a treasury report. As of May 15, 2018 there was $288 available to the Chapter. Money is also used to help with expenses for the sponsors of the meetings.
** President Beverly said that Chapter 5 will be donating a gift basket of some sort to the conference**
Meeting Business:
Vice President Position still open…
*Nominations made for Andrea (Andi) Delisle
· Kay Bradshaw second
· Andrea accepted nomination (now Vice President for Chapter 5)
Beverly announced that the Conference was a sellout (21 out of 50 Chapter 5 members going)
Also discussed was the communications through member planet.
Alexandra King from FDLE said a few words and mentioned the updated Evidence Submission Manual
Speaker: Kyle Keenan – DEA / Special Agent / Paramedic
Main focus was on the packaging, handling and storage of Fentanyl
Fentanyl is very bad… only 2.5 MG can kill someone.
Exposure – inhalation, ingestion, absorption by skin and flesh. **eyes, nose and mouth**
**DO NOT use germ X because the alcohols in germ X will help it seep into your skin**
NarCan is the Antidote. Comes in an injection (epi pen like) or Nasal spray 4MG
DOD treats Fentanyl as a weapon with potential for WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction) applications.
Decon: 10:1 bleach solution
Round table discussion:
Question asked about who handles inmate property in Evidence?
Question asked about how long money is held?
Hold until case is finished.
Question asked about what is done with Jewelry and do you have it appraised first?
Answers ranged from auctions, donations and no appraisals
$21 dollars was collected for the treasury and ended with $309 at the end of this meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 1206 p.m. and lunch on your own.
Next Chapter 5 Meeting will be held November 15, 2018 at Cape Coral Police Department
Submitted by:
Tonya Jennings, Secretary