Minutes from the PEAF Meeting on 04/04/2018
On Wednesday 04/04/2018 at 3:30 pm, the Chapter 8 members of PEAF held a meeting at the LeonCounty Sheriff’s Office. We had a speaker Detective Michael Crego from the Leon County Sheriff’sNarcotics Division. The talk was about the Handling of Narcotics, the following points were some of the information we received.
- Paraphernalia is often a larger hazard than the drug itself
- Use Universal Precautions always
- Home cooked Meth is becoming rare (but is still seen occasionally)
- Butane Hash Oil is referred to as wax, bitter or shatter commonly used in E-cigarettes
- Synthetic Drugs- largest difficulty is identifying the substance
- Spice- is now called on the street (Togee)
- Fentanyl and Carfentanil- Originally used as pain medication for cancer but now is taken by opioid addicts.
- Carfentanil is sold as heroin
- LSD- still sees, but seems as though there is a resurgence of use
- Prescription Pills- Carry little risk of exposure
- Opioid prescription pills are sometimes counterfeited using Fentanyl and Carfentanil
Spoke about risks associated by exposure- Absorption is the biggest risk, and Universal Precautions isalways imperative for everyone’s welfare and safety
Spoke about the Drug Narcan which can bring someone from the brink of death back with an injection (like the Epipen), stated every law enforcement officer in the area should have access to the drug. One officer stated he witnessed the use of the injection and the recovery for the patient was amazing. Locally our LCEMS and FHP carry the drug. Suggested that our members should let our leaders know how important Narcan is to the officers dealing with drug overdoses.
Steve our president came up to ask if there were any questions, and stated that another meeting would be held before the conference in late August. Our chapter will need to elect another Vice President before the end of the year, please consider occupying this seat. The meeting was then adjourned.