Property and Evidence Association of Florida
Chapter # 7
Minutes of Meeting
Date 05/09/2018
Agency Name St Johns County Sheriff’s Office
Diane Foreman
Lisa Spencer
Jennifer Ferraro
Rebecca Andrews
Gerilynn Baron
Lisa McLean
Raymond Norton
Gregory Dixon
Angie Hosford
Elvis Guzman
Vicki Schmechel
Adrean King
The meeting was called to order at 1300 hrs.
General Comments about approval of minutes and guest speaker N/A
Old Business N/A
New Business
Discussion of the upcoming conference:
Magician on Tuesday night
Vendors speaking to us as a group, instead of trying to talk and sign cards
Having several Round Table discussions, having a facilitator and scribe, choosing the one we want to go to, and getting copies of all.
If there are any complainants about the hotel to come to a member of the executive board with complaint.
Talked about PEAF having its own booth at the conference, selling items with the PEAF logo. A couple of suggestions were: a bottle opener with a cuzzi, and a zippered notebook. They will email mw with any other suggestions by the end of June
SJSO is going to try and get logoed items to donate.
Chapter 7 voted no on donating a gift basket as we have no funds.
Talked about agencies that are not members of PEAF, i.e. Orange Park and Jacksonville Beach.
Also to think about any speakers that we could have come and speak at one of out chapter meetings.
Talked about whether officers were testing Fentanyl.
And about the type of duplicating machine each agency uses.
No meeting until after the conference.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 1340 hrs.