Meeting called to order at 10:00 A.M. by Beverly Hunt
Thanks to Lee County for providing the venue. Introductions were made with some new faces in attendance.
Program was presented ahead of our normal business meeting to accommodate the speakers’ time commitments.
Program presented by – Department of Homeland Security Investigations
● Special Agent John Yancey – Department of Homeland Security Investigations
● Juan Molinary – Department of Homeland Security Investigations Evidence
● Joshua Turner – Computer Forensic Analyst for Department of Homeland Security Investigations
● Christina Rademakers – Department of Homeland Security Investigations Evidence
H.S.I. – Homeland Security Investigations has 20 agents stationed in Lee County working between 5 counties, to include Lee, Collier and Hendry. They have created a Title 19 Taskforce which is a combination of 5 agencies. Homeland is going to have a class in March to try to expand the partnerships between agencies.
Homeland can only hold narcotics, currency and guns for no longer than 72 hours, after that they will get with the local agencies to assist in holding evidence while the investigation is ongoing.
The main branch for the Department of Homeland Security in Florida is in Tampa. All major items get sent to them. Homeland follows the Seized Asset Management & Enforcement Procedures Handbook (SAMEPH).
Bulk currency does not get counted by the agency. If there is a seizure of bulk money it gets sent to LOOMIS or a bank to be counted and is always accompanied by two agents. Bulk currency would be if it consisted of mostly small bills over a couple thousand or if there was a possibility of inconsistency with the amount.
Key points mentioned by Joshua Turner concerning electronic/digital evidence:
- When cell phones are taken into evidence, place them on airplane mode, take the battery out and if the battery cannot be removed shut it off. Reasoning behind this is: so that anyone outside of the location cannot go into the phone and clean/clear it out.
- Same goes for Laptops.
- Computers: If the computer is on: take a picture of the screen, check to see if there are
any encryptions running before shutting it off. DO NOT just power it down by going to
the start menu, UNPLUG it from the wall. If it is off, leave it off.
- Bypassing pass codes on cell phones:
- I phone 8 can be bypassed.
- I phone 5-7 are “dead” as far as bypassing the code.
- Any phone older than 2016 cannot be bypassed.
Meeting Business
There were two officer positions up for election this year. Since no nominations for President or Secretary were received prior to Chapter 5’s meeting, Beverly asked Vice-President Cory Mundy to open nominations from the floor.
- Tonya Jennings, Hendry County SO, was nominated by Kay Bradshaw for Secretary.o Tonya agreed to accept the nomination. Vote was taken with no one opposed.
- Beverly Hunt, Lake Placid PD, was nominated by Kay Bradshaw for another term as
- Beverly accepted the nomination for another term. Vote was taken with no one opposed.
Results will be sent to the Executive Committee.
Topics discussed:
- Flyer is being worked on for the Annual Conference set for August 27-31
- Conference is a full 3 days Monday Aug 27t h thru Wednesday Aug 29t h
- Cost is $300 for 3 days
- 1 night – dinner/party (which is included if bringing a guest it will cost $75)
- No banquet
- Thursday Aug 30t h is the 1 day Certified Evidence Specialist Class
- Cost is $200 for the Class and test without the Conference
- Friday Aug 31s t is the Test (being taken in the morning)
- Cost is $100 for just the test without the Conference
- Conference is being held at the same hotel that it was last year.
- Wyndham Orlando Resort – 8001 International Drive, Orlando, FL
- Rate per night is $109 plus tax unless agency has a tax exempt form.
- **** if there is any issues with the HOTEL please get with Beverly, DO NOT handle yourself, this way it can be discussed with Conference Committee for future knowledge***
- Possibly going to have a 2 hour time frame for pre-registry on Sunday. May set up by Chapter or alphabetical order. ** Still in process**
Departments asked about giveaways or things to do such as items with logo (1-2)
Also if anyone knows a person who does a really good presentation or subject to be presented at the conference **PLEASE send to Beverly so that the agenda can be done by the end of May beginning of June.
A Conference Committee has been set up; all members are encouraged to participate so that there is more involvement from the members.
Round-table discussion included:
Do evidence personnel take the keys home or do they get locked up each night?
Responses ranged from taking keys home to being locked in office or having card readers Are evidence personnel responsible for redacting digital submittals?
Responses were mostly no.
Suggestions as far as speakers go for meetings were:
Asking 4-5 Vendors to come to the meeting and speak instead of just the conference
Treasurer reported prior to February 15t h meeting there was $220 in the Chapter fund. There was $48 collected from this meeting, which brings the Chapter fund to $268.
Next Chapter 5 Meeting will be in May, date and location to be determined.
Meeting was adjourned at 1145 and lunch provided by Lee County Sheriff’s Office. Those in attendance wanting a tour of the facility were able to do so following the lunch.
Submitted by:
Tonya Jennings