Diane Foreman Lisa Spencer Jennifer Ferraro Rebecca Andrews Gerilynn Baron Lisa McLean |
Raymond Norton Gregory Dixon Angie Hosford Elvis Guzman Vicki Schmechel Adrean King |
The meeting was called to order at 1300 hrs.
General Comments about approval of minutes and guest speaker N/A
Old Business N/A
New Business
- Discussion of the upcoming conference:
- Magician on Tuesday night
- Vendors speaking to us as a group, instead of trying to talk and sign cards
- Having several Round Table discussions, having a facilitator and scribe, choosing the one we want to go to, and getting copies of all.
- If there are any complainants about the hotel to come to a member of the executive board with complaint.
- Talked about PEAF having its own booth at the conference, selling items with the PEAF logo. A couple of suggestions were: a bottle opener with a cuzzi, and a zippered notebook. They will email mw with any other suggestions by the end of June
- SJSO is going to try and get logoed items to donate.
- Chapter 7 voted no on donating a gift basket as we have no funds.
- Talked about agencies that are not members of PEAF, i.e. Orange Park and Jacksonville Beach.
- Also to think about any speakers that we could have come and speak at one of out chapter meetings.
- Talked about whether officers were testing Fentanyl.
- And about the type of duplicating machine each agency uses.
- No meeting until after the conference.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 1340 hrs.